About Us

Brady’s Smile is a Connecticut based 501(c)(3) charitable organization created by Annie and Matt Hinton in memory, love and honor of their son Brady. While his life was medically difficult and short, he inspired anyone who met him or saw pictures of his incredible smile.
It is our goal to help make life easier for children in the hospital and their families. We have created multiple hospital based programs, as well as home based programs to accomplish this mission.
888 Griffiths Way,
Mainland ML12345
888 Griffiths Way,
Mainland ML12345
Our beautiful son, Brady Blaine, was born on March 16, 2006, and passed away on his 2nd birthday, March 16, 2008. During his two years of life, he endured two major surgeries, including open heart surgery and a living kidney transplant. He also underwent 8 other surgeries as well. He had problems with every major system in his body – in addition to his heart and kidneys, he had dandy walker variant in his brain, was blind, fed through a feeding tube in his stomach and had additional underlying problems as well. He was never given a “diagnosis.” We spent more than half of his life in and out of various children’s hospitals, mainly staying in their NICU and PICUs. We loved every single second we were given to spend with Brady and his life has inspired us to give back to others who are in similar situations to what we were with him. Before Brady we had no idea what life was like in the NICU/PICU and all we want to do now is make life a little easier for those who are living it.
We started Brady’s Smile just one month after Brady died in the hopes of channeling our energy into something positive. We wanted his legacy and love of life to live on through this charity and give others hope as well. We are humbled by all of the support we have received and continue on our journey to touch lives. We have been recognised as an “inspirational, worthwhile charity” nationally by Parents magazine. We are a small charity and we do not employ anyone. We are proud to have wonderful volunteers that we rely on to carry out our mission.